Below is a sample of past interior design projects.
The Future of the African American Church: An Invitation to Dialogue
(Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, In production)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 133 pages
Project: typeset book
Associate Staff Ministry
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, In production)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 250 pages
Project: typeset book and design illustrations
Who's Got Time? Spirituality for a Busy Generation
(St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2013)
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5; 137 pages
Project: typeset book with sidebars and special sections
Bubble Girl: An Irreverent Journey of Faith
(St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2013)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 176 pages
Project: typeset book
The Unofficial Baptist Handbook
(Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2013)
Trim size: 5 x 5; 172 pages
Project: typeset book
Preaching That Matters
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2013)
Trim size: 7 x 10; 256 pages
Project: typeset book and design illustrations
The Spirit's Tether: Eight Lives in Ministry
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2011)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 227 pages
Project: typeset book
The Girlfriends' Clergy Companion: Surviving and Thriving in Ministry
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2011)
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5; 164 pages
Project: typeset book
Leadership and Listening: Spiritual Foundations for Church Governance
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2011)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 199 pages
Project: typeset book
Reframing Hope: Vital Ministry in a New Generation
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2010)
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5; 148 pages
Project: typeset book and design back cover
From a Mustard Seed: Enlivening Worship and Music in the Small Church
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2010)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 210 pages
Project: typeset book
The Business of the Church
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2010)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 164 pages
Project: typeset book and design 25 illustrations
Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2010)
Trim size: 6 x 9; 193 pages
Project: typeset book and design 6 illustrations
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Journeys, Spring 2011
(American Baptist Home Mission Societies)
Trim size: Student Handbook: 5.5 x 8.5; 88 pages
Trim size: Leader's Guide: 8.5 x 11; 72 pages
Project: typeset quarterly adult Bible study curriculum and design covers
Journeys, Winter 2010-11
(American Baptist Home Mission Societies)
Trim size: Student Handbook: 5.5 x 8.5; 88 pages
Trim size: Leader's Guide: 8.5 x 11; 72 pages
Project: typeset quarterly adult Bible study curriculum and design covers
Journeys, Fall 2010
(American Baptist Home Mission Societies)
Trim size: Student Handbook: 5.5 x 8.5; 88 pages
Trim size: Leader's Guide: 8.5 x 11; 72 pages
Project: typeset quarterly adult Bible study curriculum and design covers
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Combined Federal Campaign of New York City (NYCCFC)
Project: 11 x 17 fundraising thermometer poster
Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area
Project: Design general brochure
Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area
Project: Redesign quarterly newsletter
Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area
Project: 2012 Gala materials
Discerning God's Will Together, revised edition
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, In production)
Project: Redesign figures/illustrations for revised edition
Devine Design
Project: Company branding (website, logo, business card, and letterhead)
It's Not Too Late: A Field Guide to Hope
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2010)
Trim size: 5 x 7
Project: Design cover wrap
Publications Catalog, Fall 2009
(Herndon, VA: Alban Institute)
Trim size: 6 x 10.5; 24 pages
Project: Design and layout catalog
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